Serve papers fast, anywhere in the country
Adjust our assumptions using the ROI calculator to see how Proof can help your collection firm improve response rates and increase profitability.
Industry-leading proof of serve
We’ll help you collect debt quickly — providing evidence of attempted collection and reporting on success rates.
Watch how it works
Speed & Reach
Collect debt with speed and reliability
Proof can handle thousands of jobs at any one time. Our national footprint means you'll have instant access to reliable process servers in every state.
Trusted by the nation’s top collections firms
Trusted by over 4,000 law firms and government agencies
Drive Revenue
Better success rates, better bottom line
With some of the highest success rates in the industry, Proof will keep you updated on thousands of service of process jobs — across the country — driving revenue to your bottom line.
Drive Revenue
Better success rates, better bottom line
With some of the highest success rates in the industry, Proof will keep you updated on thousands of service of process jobs — across the country — driving revenue to your bottom line.
Track success
Find Efficiencies
Save time throughout the collection process
Achieve efficiency with the nation’s only legal technology platform connecting creditor rights firms with thousands of professional process servers.
Find Efficiencies
Save time throughout the collection process
Achieve efficiency with the nation’s only legal technology platform connecting creditor rights firms with thousands of professional process servers.